Home Advanced Features Explained Wildcard URL support in website live chat campaigns

Wildcard URL support in website live chat campaigns

Last updated on Sep 18, 2024

Wildcard URL support in website live-chat campaigns

Last updated on Apr 10, 2024

The website live-chat campaigns support wild card URL patterns. While building a URL pattern, consider the following behavior in mind.

In Snypto, every URL pattern should start with http:// or https://.

Running the campaign on the exact URL​

If you add an exact URL like https://snypto.com/app, then the URLs with trailing slashes or the URL params or the hash params would not match. Some examples for exact match definitions are as follows.

  • https://snypto.com/app would match https://snypto.com/app/ or ``https://snypto.com/app?test_param=1`

  • https://snypto.com/app?test_param=test_value would not match https://snypto.com/app or https://snypto.com/app#test_hash_param

Running the campaign ignoring the URL parameters​

To ignore the URL params or hash params, you can add a trailing slash in the URL. For eg: https://snypto.com/app/ would match all the following URLs.

  • https://snypto.com/app/

  • https://snypto.com/app

  • https://snypto.com/app/?test=1

  • https://snypto.com/app/#test

Running the campaign in all sub-directories​

You can use the * character in the URL if you want to match all the sub-directories. For eg: https://snypto.com/* would match to the following URLs

  • https://snypto.com/

  • https://snypto.com/app

  • https://snypto.com/app/subdirectory

Running the campaign in all subdomains​

To match the current domain and subdomains, you can use the pattern {*.}? in the URL. For eg: https://{*.}?snypto.com/ would match to the following URLs

  • https://snypto.com

  • https://app.snypto.com

  • https://www.snypto.com